100 Great Quotes & Scriptures


In this book – 100 great Quotes and Scriptures, Rev. Victor Ayodele provides a very inspiring and enjoyable reading experience drawing out very obvious and not so obvious parallels between great quotes and scriptural references.

You will enjoy it.

A truly great way to start your day is with a quote and some scriptures.



Great quotes are inspired statements made by different people from different works of life across different timeline and time zones. They are words fitly spoken carrying the power to lift the hearer into the refreshing experience of the spoken words.

The greatest words ever spoken in history are the words of God. Thank God for the Scriptures, it is a compendium of the power packed words of God graciously made available to mankind.

Man is truly designed to live by words.

Jesus said in Mat 4:4 “… It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.”


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